Dedicated to the memory of Jacqueline Olive Mary McDaniel

Funeral for Jacqueline Olive Mary McDaniel


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There is no beginning, and there is no end. The sun rises, and falls, each day, and the seasons come and go. The days, months, and years alternate through sunshine, rain, hail, wind, snow, and frost. The leaves fall each autumn and burst forth again each spring. The earth spins through the vastness of space. The grass comes and goes with the warmth of the sun. The farms and the flocks endure, bigger than the life of a single person. We are born, live our working lives, and die, passing like the oak leaves that blow across our land in the winter. We are each tiny parts of something enduring, something that feels solid, real, and true. Our farming way of life has roots deeper than five thousand years into the soil of this landscape. James Rebanks- A Shepherd’s Life Be at peace Ma. You will always be remembered as the tenacious, fun and loving matriarch of our family. The mountains of Wales are waiting to embrace and welcome you home for another visit. Cari ti Ma xxx
Katie, Trystan and family xxx
18th February 2025
Our dearest auntie jac, How do you find and deliver the words in memory for such a remarkable lady as yourself. You’ve lived the most wonderful life. How a single person can leave us all with such an abundance of fond and joyous memories is beyond what we can call special. You’ve left us with so much to cherish. Amongst all the great characters and lovers of life that I’ve come across in my short time so far on this journey, you were by far one of the most pre eminent of those that I had the privilege of knowing. The family matriarch forever! Say hello to everyone up there for us. We will miss you, we will remember you. Always. Xxxx
Ben Pugh
18th February 2025
Hiraeth (welsh) A spiritual longing for home. It is the echo of the last places of souls past and out grief for them. It is in the wind the rocks and the waves. It is nowhere and it is everywhere. Your Home now Ma Home you carry with you in the inside. Always Rest easy and God Bless. Han Brendon Bryn and the Joubert Family in South Africa xxx
Hannah Joubert
17th February 2025
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East Anglian Air Ambulance NSPCC
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